Check out these on-the-street witness encounters from The Way of the Master Ministries.
We hope these examples will encourage and equip you.


Santa Monica -- Gang Members
Watch these principles get put into practice as Kirk witnesses to hardened gang members at Santa Monica, Southern California.


Seal Beach Kid
See how the Moral Law (Ten Commandments) humbles a young man as Ray shares with him at Seal Beach in Southern California.


Wake-up Call
You will be delighted to see this man's reaction to being confronted by Kirk about his sinful state before God.


Pink Hair / Plane Talk
Sit on the seat of a plane and watch over Ray's shoulder as he speaks with a young lady about her eternal salvation, 25,000 above the ground.


This interview was filmed in New York and is one of our favorites. You will see why as you watch and listen to P-Nasty.
