They help unite the Body of Christ by allowing you to connect with other Christians,
Share the Gospel & grow in your relationships - ALL for the glory of Jesus Christ.
- We help Christians connect
with each other. You can use your tangle profile to share pictures,
videos and blogs. Leave comments on our online Bible, submit prayer
requests, and share your thoughts with the tangle community.
- We monitor our content.
We have actual people watching all of the videos, reading all of the
blogs and comments, and approving all of the pictures to improve your
experience on our site.
- We expect more from our community. We don't always expect everyone to agree, but we expect our community to be respectful of other users' comments and views.
John 15:5
- I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in
him, he bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
Because all of our lives are intertwined, we want you to get 'tangled' up in community, purpose, meaning and Christ.