THE DRAWING BOARD CHURCH - "Loving God. Loving People."
The Drawing Board is a new church in the Ft. Worth, Texas, area. Our friend, Brother Shaw King, is the lead pastor. He is a phenomenal teacher! The dB Church welcomes EVERYONE, especially those who are "burned out on, or who have been burned by" religion. Check them out @
From the Pastor:
Welcome to The Drawing Board. Now, our name may remind you of the old saying, ‘Back to the drawing board.’ Usually when people use that expression, they are in an experimental frame of mind. Maybe some things have worked and some haven’t, and so they experiment and they explore things until they understand them or until they get it right. The Drawing Board is a community of Christian seekers who are an experiment in being and doing the church.
Now, the earliest name for Christianity or the Christian Church is found in the ninth chapter of the book of Acts. There the Christian faith was called, “The Way,” as in the Path, or the Road. This name implies that Christian faith is a journey. It is not as though we have already arrived, for as the Scripture says, “it does not yet appear what we shall be.” We, at The Drawing Board, think of ourselves as explorers discovering new depths in the ocean that is Our Creator and Redeemer God.So, The Drawing Board is a place of exploration and experimentation. It is also a place to start over. As the saying ‘Back to the drawing board’ implies, in this life, sometimes people make mistakes, missteps, and they need to start over. Here at The Drawing Board, we believe that God gives us each new moment saying, my child, begin again, you are free to start again.
For others, our name has a metaphorical meaning. One time Jesus said that if he were to be lifted up onto a cross, he would somehow manage through that terrible death to draw all men unto himself. Sure enough, 2,000 years later, nobody really remembers the names of the soldiers who nailed him to the cross, but near a billion people call upon his name daily, the name of Jesus. That wooden cross, the old rugged cross as our forebears sang about, is then, in a very literal way, The Drawing Board. In fact, it is the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that take center stage in our community. He and His great love form the center, the inspiration, the power, and the glue that holds our community together and empowers us to fulfill our mission.
We invite you to join us in this wonderful experiment and we invite you to walk and learn with us on this journey.
Pastor Shawn King
Sermons and Series
The 9: Self Control, 9/12/2009In the final message from 'The 9', we dive into the root and meaning
of 'Self Control' and are reminded that our fullest and most meaninful
life is connected to this fruit. Download Full MP3
The 9: Faithfulness, 9/5/2009Pastor Shawn challenges us; "If you have been faithful over little things, then set your expectations. God will make us ruler over many."
The 9: Gentleness, 8/29/2009We apologize for the low quality of this week's sermon recording.
We are working to correct these issues for next week's service.
Vision Cast, 8/18/2009Pastor Shawn speaks about the purpose of the church and how The Drawing Board seeks to fullfill that in the immediate future.Download Full MP3 | The Drawing Board T-shirts Available in Short Sleeve & Long Sleeve and up to 6 different colors! Click HERE to see all of the options! |